Tag Archives: mental

Don’t stop the music – children need a proper arts education

Junior school music

There are also immense benefits for those children who may be suffering from certain behavioural or mental health issues. If you take a child who is not particularly academic or athletic, who feels isolated or anxious, and are able to offer them a creative outlet, it can often have life-changing effects. Quite apart from the proven effects of specialist music therapy, simply having a musical instrument for company, being able to practise and focus on making a sound, and eventually playing as part of an ensemble can have a huge impact on self-confidence and self-belief – two things that provide life-long benefits.

My own experience as a child who experienced severe mental health issues was that music was the one thing that never let me down – being able to spend time playing and listening to music provided a safe haven for me at a time when I needed it the most. It still does. Of course learning the violin isn’t going to cure various health issues, mental or otherwise, but it is another invaluable tool that can help provide comfort, self-esteem and encourage social skills, teamwork and focus.

If you want to know more :
